Scripture Verse

The Lamb is the light thereof. Revelation 21:23


Words: Ar­ranged by John W. Mc­Gar­vey, Jr., in Gems and Jew­els (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: Fill­more Bro­thers, 1890), num­ber 26.

Music: John W. Mc­Gar­vey, Jr. (🔊 pdf nwc).

John W. McGarvey, Jr. (1829–1911)


There’s a bright, hap­py home ov­er yon­der,
On the bright eter­nal shore;
Where the saints shall dwell with Je­sus,
All the glad for ev­er more.


We’ll meet with our Sav­ior in the morn­ing,
That Sav­ior full of love;
We’ll dwell with our king,
And for­ev­er­more we’ll sing
In that hap­py home ab­ove.

There’s a bright, hap­py home ov­er yon­der,
Where the crys­tal wa­ters glide;
Where the tree of life for­ev­er,
Blooms by the sil­ver tide.


There’s a bright, hap­py home ov­er yon­der,
Where the song shall ne­ver cease;
Where the saints shall dwell for­ev­er
With the Lord in per­fect peace.
