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Scripture Verse

The Root of Jesse will stand as a banner for the peoples. Isaiah 11:10


Words: Tho­mas J. Pot­ter, The Ho­ly Fa­mi­ly Hymns 1860.

Music: St. The­re­sa Ar­thur S. Sul­li­van, 1874 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Pot­ter (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

Arthur Sullivan (1842–1900)


Brightly gleams our ban­ner, point­ing to the sky,
Waving on Christ’s sol­diers to their home on high.
Marching through the de­sert,
Gladly thus we pray,
Still with hearts unit­ed, singing on our way.


Brightly gleams our ban­ner, point­ing to the sky,
Waving on Christ’s sol­diers to their home on high.

Pattern of our child­hood, once Thy­self a child,
Make our child­hood ho­ly, pure and meek and mild.
In the hour of dan­ger
Whither can we flee,
Save to Thee, dear Sav­ior, on­ly un­to Thee?


Jesus, Lord and Mas­ter, at Thy sacr­ed feet,
Here, with hearts re­joic­ing, see Thy child­ren meet.
Often have we left Thee,
Often gone as­tray;
Keep us, migh­ty Sav­ior, in the nar­row way.


All our days di­rect us in the way we go;
Lead us on vic­tor­ious ov­er ev­ery foe:
Bid Thine an­gels shield us
When the storm clouds low­er,
Pardon, Lord, and save us in the last dread hour.


Then with saints and an­gels may we join ab­ove,
Offering pray­ers and prais­es at Thy throne of love.
When the toil is ov­er,
Then comes rest and peace,
Jesus in His beau­ty! Songs that nev­er cease!
