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Scripture Verse

I will remember My covenant with thee in the days of thy youth, and I will establish unto thee an everlasting covenant. Ezekiel 16:60


John M. Neale (1818–1866)

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Words: John M. Neale, Hymns for the Young, 1842, cen­to, alt.

Music: O du Liebe Er­bau­lich­er mu­sik­al­isch­er Chris­ten-Schatz, by Jo­hann Thom­men (Ba­sel, Swit­zer­land: 1745) (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Thom­men (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Blessèd Sav­ior, who hast taught me
I should live to Thee alone,
All these years Thy hand hath brought me
Since I first was made Thine own.
At the font my vows were spok­en
By my par­ents in the Lord;
That my vows shall be un­brok­en
At the al­tar I re­cord.

I would trust in Thy pro­tect­ion
Wholly rest up­on Thine arm,
Follow whol­ly Thy direct­ion,
O my only guard from harm.
Meet me now with Thy sal­va­tion
In Thy Church’s or­dered way;
Let me feel Thy con­fir­ma­tion
In Thy truth and fear to­day,

So that might and firm­ness gain­ing,
Hope in dan­ger, joy in grief,
Now and ev­er­more re­main­ing
In the one and true be­lief,
Resting in the Sav­ior’s mer­it,
Strengthened with the Spir­it’s strength
With Thy saints I may in­her­it
All my Fa­ther’s joy at length.