Scripture Verse

Hear my prayer, O Lord. Psalm 39:12


Words: Ro­bert Grant, in the Chris­tian Ob­serv­er, 1815 (orig­in­al ti­tle: Sav­ior, When in Dust to Thee); alt. by Tho­mas Cot­ter­ill and oth­ers.

Music: Red­head Ri­chard Red­head, Church Hymn Tunes, An­cient and Mo­dern (Lon­don: 1853) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Robert Grant (1780–1838)
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By Thy birth and by Thy tears,
By Thy hu­man griefs and fears,
By Thy con­flict in the hour
Of the sub­tle tempt­er’s pow­er;
Savior, look with pi­ty­ing eye;
Savior, help me, or I die.

By the ten­der­ness that wept
O’er the grave where La­za­rus slept;
By the bit­ter tears that flowed
Over Sa­lem’s lost ab­ode,
Savior, look with pi­ty­ing eye;
Savior, help me, or I die.

By Thy lone­ly hour of pray­er,
By Thy fear­ful con­flict there,
By Thy cross and dy­ing cries,
By the one great sac­ri­fice;
Savior, look with pi­ty­ing eye;
Savior, help me, or I die.

By Thy tri­umph o’er the grave,
By Thy pow­er the lost to save,
By Thy high, ma­jes­tic throne,
By the em­pire all Thine own;
Savior, look with pi­ty­ing eye;
Savior, help me, or I die.

The Raising of Lazarus
Carl H. Bloch (1834–1890)