Scripture Verse

Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus. Philippians 2:5


Words: J. Tem­pe­rley Grey (ca. 1837–1903).

Music: Red­cliffe Phyll­is Skene (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know when this hymn was writ­ten, or where to get a good pic­ture of Grey or Skene,


Be Thou su­preme, O Je­sus Christ,
Nor creed, nor form, nor word,
Nor ho­ly church, nor hu­man love,
Compare with Thee, my Lord.

Be Thou su­preme, O Je­sus Christ,
Thy love has con­quered me;
Beneath Thy cross I die to self,
And live alone to Thee.

Be Thou su­preme, O Je­sus Christ,
My in­most be­ing fill;
So shall I think as Thou dost think,
And will as Thou dost will.

Be Thou su­preme, O Je­sus Christ,
Thy life trans­fig­ure mine;
And through this veil of mor­tal flesh,
Lord, let Thy splen­dors shine.

Be Thou su­preme, O Je­sus Christ,
My soul ex­ults in Thee;
To be Thy slave, to do Thy will,
Is my fe­li­ci­ty.