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Scripture Verse

I make all things new…these words are true and faithful. Revelation 21:5


Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1999 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: Veni Em­ma­nu­el from a 15th Cen­tu­ry pro­cess­ion­al of French Fran­cis­can nuns (the set­ting for the fun­er­al hymn Li­be­ra me). Ar­ranged by Tho­mas Hel­more in The Hym­nal Not­ed, Part 2 (Lon­don: 1856) (🔊 ).

Susan Peterson


Behold, these words are trust­wor­thy and true,
For God the Lord is mak­ing all things new.
He showed His ser­vants what must take place,
The plagues and bless­ings set for Ad­am’s race.
Now keep these words, for he who ov­er­comes
Will gain new life and he will be God’s son.

Behold, says Je­sus, Quick I come again;
Most blest is he who keeps My words made plain.
The time is near; re­ward is in sight.
So ho­ly stay and al­ways seek the right.
The First, the Last, Be­gin­ning and the End,
The Al­pha and Ome­ga e’er I am.

How blest are those who wash their robes from sin,
That they may to the ci­ty en­ter in
And to the tree of life have full right.
They’ll see God’s face, and He will give them light.
The curse is gone! They’ll reign for­ev­er­more
With Je­sus, Da­vid’s Root, bright Morn­ing Star.

The Spir­it and the bride of Christ say, Come!
And let each one who hears
These words say, Come!
Yea, who­so­ev­er thirsts, let him come.
The drink of life is free; let all men come!
Hear Je­sus’ words: Quick­ly I come again.
O come, Lord Je­sus, come to us. Amen.