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Scripture Verse

A man [shall] leave his father and mother, and cleave to his wife; and they twain shall be one flesh. Mark 10:7–8


Words: Ele­azor T. Fitch, in the Con­nec­ti­cut Con­gre­ga­tion­al Psalms & Hymns for Chris­tian Use and Wor­ship, 1845.

Music: Ira Hein­rich C. Zeu­ner, in The Psal­te­ry, by Low­ell Ma­son & George J. Webb, 1845 (🔊 ).


By vows of love to­ge­ther bound,
The twain, on earth, are one;
One may their hearts, O Lord, be found,
Till earth­ly cares are done.

As from the home of ear­li­er years
They wan­der, hand in hand,
To pass along, with smiles and tears,
The path of Thy com­mand.

With more than earth­ly par­ents’ care,
Do Thou their steps at­tend;
And with the joys or woes they share,
Thy lov­ing kind­ness blend.

O let the me­mo­ry of this hour
In fu­ture years come nigh
To bind, with sweet, at­tract­ive pow­er,
And cheer them till they die.

And to that bless­èd, fade­less land,
Where part­ings may not be,
Lead them—a hap­py house­hold band—
Forever near to Thee.

Till Death Us Do Part
Edmund B. Leighton (1853–1922)