I will pour upon the house of David, and upon the inhabitants of Jerusalem, the Spirit of grace and of supplications: and they shall look upon Me whom they have pierced, and they shall mourn for Him, as one mourneth for his only son, and shall be in bitterness for Him, as one that is in bitterness for his firstborn.
Zechariah 12:10
Words: Richard Jukes, 1842.
Music: Dulciana James C. Embry (1834–1897). Harmony by John T. Layton, 1897 (🔊
). Appeared in The African Methodist Episcopal Hymn and Tune Book (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: African Methodist Episcopal Book Concern, 1898), number 540.
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By faith I view my Savior dying,
On the tree; on the tree;
To every nation He is crying,
Look to Me! Look to Me!
He bids the guilty now draw near,
Repent, believe, dismiss their fear;
Hark! hark! what precious words I hear!
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!
Did Christ, when I was sin pursuing,
Pity me? Pity me?
And did He snatch my soul from ruin?
Can it be? Can it be?
O yes! He did salvation bring:
He is my prophet, priest and king;
And now my happy soul can sing,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!
Jesus my weary soul refreshes;
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!
And every moment Christ is precious
Unto me! Unto me!
None can describe the bliss I prove,
While through this wilderness I rove;
All may enjoy the Savior’s love,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!
Jesus, the mighty God, hath spoken
Peace to me, peace to me;
Now all my chains of sin are broken—
I am free, I am free;
Soon as I in His name believed,
The Holy Spirit I received,
And Christ from death my soul retrieved;
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!
This precious truth, ye sinners, hear it—
Mercy’s free, mercy’s free!
Ye ministers of God, declare it—
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!
Visit the heathen’s dark abode,
Proclaim to all the love of God,
And spread the glorious news abroad—
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!
Long as I live I’ll still be crying,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!
And this shall be my theme when dying,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!
And when the vale of death I’ve passed,
When lodged above the stormy blast,
I’ll sing, while endless ages last,
Mercy’s free! Mercy’s free!