Scripture Verse

He will command His angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways. Psalm 91:11


James Montgomery (1771–1854)
National Portrait Gallery


Words: James Mont­go­me­ry, Songs of Zi­on 1822.

Music: Hy­fry­dol Row­land H. Pri­chard, Cyfaill y Can­to­ri­on (Llan­id­loes, Wales: John M. Jones, print­er, 1844) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Rowland H. Prichard (1811–1887)


Call Je­ho­vah thy sal­va­tion,
Rest be­neath the Al­migh­ty’s shade,
In His sec­ret ha­bi­ta­tion
Dwell, and ne­ver be dis­mayed:
There no tu­mult shall alarm thee,
Thou shalt dread no hid­den snare,
Guile nor vio­lence can harm thee
In eter­nal safe­guard there.

From the sword at noon-day wast­ing,
From the noi­some pes­ti­lence,
In the depth of mid­night blast­ing,
God shall be thy sure de­fense;
Fear not thou the dead­ly qui­ver,
When a thou­sand feel the blow,
Mercy shall thy soul de­liv­er,
Though ten thou­sand be laid low.

Only with thine eyes the ang­uish
Of the wick­ed thou shalt see,
When by slow dis­ease they lang­uish,
When they per­ish sud­den­ly:
Thee, though winds and waves be swell­ing,
God, thine hope, shall bear through all;
Plague shall not come nigh thy dwell­ing,
Thee no evil shall be­fall.

He shall charge His an­gel le­gions,
Watch and ward o’er thee to keep;
Though thou walk through hos­tile re­gions,
Though in de­sert wilds thou sleep:
On the li­on vain­ly roar­ing,
On his young, thy foot shall tread,
And, the dra­gon’s den ex­plor­ing,
Thou shalt bruise the Ser­pent’s head.

Since, with pure and firm af­fect­ion,
Thou on God hast set thy love,
With the wings of His pro­tect­ion
He will shield thee from above:
Thou shalt call on Him in trou­ble,
He will heark­en, He will save,
Here for grief reward thee dou­ble,
Crown with life be­yond the grave.