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Johann Abraham Peter Schulz



Born: March 31, 1747, Lü­ne­berg, Ger­ma­ny.

Died: June 10, 1800, Schwedt an der Od­er, Ger­ma­ny.

Buried: Ber­lin, Ger­ma­ny.



A ba­ker’s son, Schulz at­tend­ed the La­tein­schul­en in Lü­ne­berg, and stu­died the or­gan.

After mov­ing to Ber­lin in 1768, he be­came teach­er and ac­com­pan­ist to Pol­ish prin­cess Sa­phie­ha Woi­wo­din von Smo­len­sky. They toured ex­ten­sive­ly through Eur­ope.

He lat­er be­gan writ­ing op­era, his first be­ing Cla­ris­sa in 1785. The next year, he be­came mu­sic­al di­rect­or of the Ber­lin French the­ater.

In 1786, he was ap­point­ed Hof­ka­pell­meis­ter in Rheins­berg. Two years lat­er, he held the same post in Co­pen­ha­gen.

Schulz was in the Co­pen­ha­gen of­fice 18 years, be­ing brought to an end by a break­down of his health af­ter try­ing to save the mu­sic lib­ra­ry at Co­pen­ha­gen dur­ing a fire. His health fur­ther suf­fered from the ef­fects of a ship­wreck he ex­pe­ri­enced in 1796.


