Let the little children come to Me.
Luke 18:16
Words: Hans A. Brorson, in Nogle Jule-Psalmer (Tønder, Denmark: 1732) (Her kommer, Jesus dina smaa). Translated from Danish to English by Harriet R. Spaeth, 1898.
Music: Paedia Johann A. Schulz, in Religiose Oden und Lieder (Hamburg, Germany: 1789) (🔊
If you know where to get a good photo of Spaeth (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Thy little ones, dear Lord, are we,
And come Thy lowly bed to see;
Enlighten every soul and mind,
That we the way to Thee may find.
With songs we hasten Thee to greet,
And kiss the dust before Thy feet;
O blessèd hour, O sweetest night,
That gave Thee birth, our soul’s delight.
O draw us wholly to Thee, Lord,
Do Thou to us Thy grace accord,
True faith and love to us impart,
That we may hold Thee in our heart.
Until at last we too proclaim
With all Thy saints, Thy glorious name;
In paradise our songs renew,
And praise Thee as the angels do.