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Scripture Verse

Glory to God in the highest. Luke 2:14


Elsie D. Yale (1873–1956)

Words: El­sie D. Yale, 1916, alt. Ap­peared in Ju­bi­la­te, ed­it­ed by Lin­coln Hall, C. Aus­tin Miles & Ad­am Gei­bel (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Hall-Mack, 1917), num­ber 218.

Music: J. Lin­coln Hall (🔊 ).

J. Lincoln Hall (1866–1930)


Caroling on, car­oling on,
O her­ald ye the Christ­mas morn!
Caroling on, car­oling on,
Ye ser­aphs sing to earth a Sav­ior born;
Joyfully sing, joy­ful­ly sing,
Your prais­es ’neath the star­lit sky.
Herald the Ho­ly One,
Herald the Fa­ther’s Son;
All glo­ry to God on high.

Hail Him, hail Him,
Herald Him the Prince im­mor­tal!
Star-crowned throng, O sing ye;
Golden harps, O ring ye;
Hail Him, hail Him,
Singing ’neath the ra­di­ant sky.
Herald the Ho­ly One,
Herald the Fa­ther’s Son;
All glo­ry to God on high.

Caroling on, car­ol­ing on,
O come ye from the courts above,
Caroling on, car­ol­ing on,
The tid­ings tell afar of peace and love.
Joyfully sing, joy­ful­ly sing,
For glad­ness un­to earth is nigh;
Herald the Day­star bright,
Herald the Lord of light;
All glo­ry to God on high.

Hail Him, hail Him,
Herald Him the Prince im­mor­tal!
Star-crowned throng, O sing ye;
Golden harps, O ring ye;
Hail Him, hail Him,
Singing ’neath the ra­di­ant sky.
Herald the Day­star bright,
Herald the Lord of light;
All glo­ry to God on high.

Caroling on, car­ol­ing on,
Your an­thems thro’ the years re­sound;
Caroling on, car­ol­ing on,
O bless­èd Christ­mas praise still sweet­ly sound;
Joyfully sing, joy­ful­ly sing,
And earth shall echo glad re­ply;
Herald the pro­mised Lord,
Blessèd in­car­nate Word;
All glo­ry to God on high.

Hail Him, hail Him,
Herald Him the Prince im­mor­tal!
Star-crowned throng, O sing ye;
Golden harps, O ring ye;
Hail Him, hail Him,
Singing ’neath the ra­di­ant sky.
Herald the pro­mised Lord,
Blessèd in­car­nate Word;
All glo­ry to God on high.