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Scripture Verse

Again I say, rejoice. Philippians 4:4


Bernhardt S. Ingemann

Words: Bern­hardt S. In­ge­mann, 1840 (Jul­en har bragt vel­sig­net bud). Trans­lat­ed from Da­nish to Eng­lish by Ce­cil Cow­drey.

Music: Christ­mas Brings Joy Chris­toph E. Weyse, 1841 (🔊 ).

If you know when the trans­la­tion was done, would you send us an e-mail?

Christoph E. F. Weyse


Christmas brings joy to ev­ery heart,
Sets old and young re­joic­ing,
What an­gels sang once to all on earth,
Oh, hear the child­ren voic­ing.
Bright is the tree with lights aglow,
Like birds that perch to­ge­ther,
The child that hold­eth Christ­mas dear
Shall keep these joys for­ev­er.

Joy comes to the all the world to­day,
To halls and cot­tage hast­ing,
Come, spar­row and dove, from roof tree tall,
And share our Christ­mas feast­ing.
Dance, lit­tle child, on mo­ther’s knee,
The love­ly day is dawn­ing,
The road to pa­ra­dise is found
The bless­èd Christ­mas morn­ing.

Once to this earth our Sav­ior came,
An in­fant poor and low­ly,
To op­en for us those gar­dens fair
Where dwell His an­gels ho­ly.
Christmas joy He bring­eth us,
The Christ child King of Heav­en,
To ev­ery lit­tle child, He saith,
Shall ang­el wings be giv­en.