Scripture Verse

The Lord is risen indeed. Luke 24:34


Words: Jo­seph Hart, 1762.

Music: Dia­de­ma­ta George J. El­vey, in Hymns An­cient and Mo­dern, 1868 (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Hart (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),

George J. Elvey (1816–1893)
National Portrait Gallery



Christians, dis­miss your fear,
Let hope and joy suc­ceed;
The great good news with glad­ness hear,
The Lord is ris­en in­deed;
The shades of death with­drawn,
His eyes their beams dis­play,
So wakes the Sun, when ro­sy dawn
Unbars the gates of day.

The pro­mise is ful­filled,
Salvation’s work is done,
Justice with mer­cy’s re­con­ciled,
And God has raised His Son;
He quits the dark abode,
From all cor­rup­tion free,
The ho­ly, harm­less Child of God
Could no cor­rup­tion see.

Angels with saints above
The ris­ing Vic­tor sing,
And all the bliss­ful seats of love
With loud ho­san­nas ring;
Ye pil­grims, too, be­low,
Your hearts and voic­es raise,
Let ev­ery breast with glad­ness glow,
And ev­ery mouth sing praise.

My soul, thy Sav­ior laud,
Who all thy sor­rows bore,
Who died for sin, but lives to God,
And lives to die no more;
His death pro­cured thy peace,
His re­sur­rect­ion’s thine;
Believe, re­ceive the full re­lease:
’Tis signed with blood di­vine.