The Holy Ghost descended in a bodily shape like a dove upon Him.
Luke 3:22
Words: Simon Browne, 1720, and others.
Music: Baca (Bradbury) William B. Bradbury, circa 1858 (🔊
Alternate Tunes:
If you know where to get a good picture of Browne (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Come, gracious Spirit, heav’nly Dove,
With light and comfort from above;
Be Thou our guardian, Thou our guide,
O’er every thought and step preside,
O’er every thought and step preside.
The light of truth to us display,
And make us know and choose Thy way;
Plant holy fear in every heart,
That we from God may ne’er depart,
That we from God may ne’er depart.
Conduct me safe, conduct me far
From every sin and hurtful snare;
Lead me to God, my final rest,
In His enjoyment to be blest,
In His enjoyment to be blest.
Lead me to Christ, the living way,
Nor let me from His pastures stray;
Lead me to Heaven, the seat of bliss,
Where pleasure in perfection is,
Where pleasure in perfection is.
Lead us to holiness, the road
Which we must take to dwell with God;
Lead us to Christ, the living way,
Nor let us from His pastures stray,
Nor let us from His pastures stray.
Lead me to means of grace, where I
May own my wants, and seek supply;
Lead to Thyself, the spring from whence
To fetch all quickening influence,
To fetch all quickening influence.
Thus I, conducted still by Thee,
Of God a child beloved shall be;
Here to His family pertain,
Hereafter with Him ever reign,
Hereafter with Him ever reign.