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Scripture Verse

He is risen, as He said. Matthew 28:6


Words: Ed­ward A. Wash­burn, in the New Ser­vice and Tune Book for Sun­day School, ed­it­ed by Al­fred Bai­ley Good­rich (Uti­ca, New York: 1862).

Music: South Is­land Maude Wer­ner, 1899 (🔊 ).

Edward A. Washburn


Christ hath aris­en!
Death is no more!
Lo! the white rob­èd ones
Sit by the door.
Dawn, gold­en morn­ing,
Scatter the night!
Haste, ye dis­ci­ples glad,
First with the light;
Dawn, gold­en morn­ing,
Scatter the night!
Haste, ye dis­ci­ples glad,
First with the light.

Break forth in sing­ing,
O world new-born!
Chant the great East­er­tide,
Christ’s ho­ly morn.
Chant Him, young sun­beams,
Dancing in mirth.
Chant, all ye winds of God,
Coursing the earth.
Chant Him, young sun­beams,
Dancing in mirth.
Chant, all ye winds of God,
Coursing the earth.

Chant Him, ye flow­ers,
Fresh from the sod;
Chant Him, wild leap­ing streams,
Praising your God.
Break from thy win­ter,
Sad heart, and sing;
Bud with thy blos­soms fair,
Christ is thy spring.
Break from thy win­ter,
Sad heart, and sing;
Bud with thy blos­soms fair,
Christ is thy spring.

Come where the Lord lay;
Past is the gloom;
See the full eye of day
Smile through the tomb.
Hark! an­gel voic­es
Fall from the skies:
Christ hath aris­en!
Glad heart, arise.
Hark! an­gel voic­es
Fall from the skies:
Christ hath aris­en!
Glad heart, arise.