Scripture Verse

I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. Revelation 22:13


Frederick W. H. Myers (1843–1901)

Words: Fred­er­ick W. H. My­ers, 1867.

Music: Wel­wyn Al­fred Scott-Gat­ty, in Arun­del Hymns, 1902 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alfred Scott-Gatty (1847–1918)


Christ! I am Christ’s, and the name suf­fice you,
Ay, for me too He great­ly hath suf­ficed:
Christ is the end, for Christ was the be­gin­ning,
Christ the be­gin­ning, for the end is Christ.

Can it be true, the grace He is de­clar­ing?
O let us trust Him, for His words are fair.
Man, what is this, and why art thou des­pair­ing?
God shall for­give thee all but thy des­pair.

Not as one blind and deaf to our be­seech­ing,
Neither for­get­ful that we are but dust,
Not as from hea­vens too high for our up-reach­ing,
Coldly sub­lime, in­to­ler­ably just—

Nay, but thou know­est us,
Lord Christ Thou know­est,
Well Thou re­mem­ber­est our fee­ble frame;
Thou canst con­ceive our high­est and our low­est,
Pulses of no­ble­ness and deeds of shame.

Christ! I am Christ’s, and the name suf­fice you,
Ay, for me too He great­ly hath su­fficed:
Christ is the end, for Christ was the be­gin­ning,
Christ the be­gin­ning, for the end is Christ.