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Scripture Verse

My Lord and my God. John 20:28


Martin Luther (1483–1546)

Words: Mar­tin Lu­ther, 1524 (Komm, Heil­ig­er Geist, Her­re Gott). Com­po­site trans­la­tion from Ger­man to Eng­lish.

Music: Komm, Hei­lig­er Geist, Her­re Gott, 15th Cen­tu­ry tune (🔊 ).


Come, Ho­ly Ghost, God and Lord!
Be all Thy grac­es now out­poured
On each be­liev­er’s mind and heart;
Thy fer­vent love to them im­part.
Lord, by the brigh­tness of Thy light
Thou in the faith dost men unite
Of ev­ery land and eve­ry tongue;
This to Thy praise, O Lord, our God, be sung.
Hallelujah! Hal­le­lu­jah!

Thou ho­ly light, Guide di­vine,
Oh, cause the Word of life to shine!
Teach us to know our God aright
And call Him Fa­ther with de­light.
From ev­ery er­ror keep us free;
Let none but Christ our Mas­ter be
That we in liv­ing faith ab­ide,
In Him, our Lord, with all our might con­fide.
Hallelujah! Hal­le­lu­jah!

Thou ho­ly fire, com­fort true,
Grant us the will Thy work to do
And in Thy ser­vice to abide;
Let tri­als turn us not aside.
Lord, by Thy pow­er pre­pare each heart
And to our weak­ness strength im­part
That brave­ly here we may con­tend,
Through life and death to Thee, our Lord, as­cend.
Hallelujah! Hal­le­lu­jah!