Scripture Verse

I will pour out My Spirit on your offspring, and My blessing on your descendants. Isaiah 44:3


Ray Palmer (1808–1887)

Words: Ro­bert II of France (972–1031) (Ve­ni, Sanc­te Spir­it­us). Trans­lat­ed from La­tin to Eng­lish by Ray Pal­mer, 1858. Ap­peared in Pal­mer’s Po­et­ic­al Works (New York: 1876).

Music: Ol­iv­et (Ma­son) Lo­well Ma­son, 1831 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

Lowell Mason (1792–1872)


Come, Ho­ly Ghost, in love,
Shed on us from above
Thine own bright ray!
Divinely good Thou art;
Thy sac­red gifts im­part
To glad­den each sad heart.
O come today!

Come, ten­der­est Friend, and best,
Our most de­light­ful guest,
With sooth­ing pow­er:
Rest, which the wea­ry know,
Shade, ’mid the noon­tide glow.
Peace when deep griefs ov­er­flow—
Cheer us this hour!

Come, Light se­rene and still,
Our in­most bo­soms fill,
Dwell in each breast.
We know no dawn but Thine;
Send forth Thy beams di­vine
On our dark souls to shine
And make us blest!

Exalt our low de­sires,
Extinguish pass­ion’s fires;
Heal ev­ery wound:
Our stub­born spir­its bend,
Our icy cold­ness end,
Our de­vi­ous steps at­tend,
While heav’n­ward bound.

Come, all the faith­ful bless;
Let all who Christ con­fess,
His praise em­ploy;
Give vir­tue’s rich re­ward,
Victorious death ac­cord,
And, with our glo­ri­ous Lord,
Eternal joy!