Honor thy father and thy mother, as the Lord thy God hath commanded thee.
Deuteronomy 5:16
Words: Frances B. M. Brotherson, in Good Will, edited by T. Martin Towne & Jairus M. Stillman (Chicago, Illinois: Fleming H. Revell, 1878), number 53.
Music: T. Martin Towne (🔊
This is the voice of God,
That to the children speaks,
And in each earthly home
A willing echo seeks.
Obey your parents in the Lord.
In the Lord, in the Lord.
’Tis God’s own voice, ’tis God’s own word,
’Tis God’s own voice, ’tis God’s own word.
This is the voice of God,
That to the children speaks,
And in each earthly home
A willing echo seeks.
’Twas spoken on the mount
To Moses, and it came
On, on thro’ clouds and smoke
Thro’ trumpet and thro’ flame,
Honor thy parents,
saith the Lord,
Saith the Lord, saith the Lord.
’Tis God’s own voice, ’tis God’s own word,
’Tis God’s own voice, ’tis God’s own word.
’Twas spoken on the mount
To Moses, and it came
On, on thro’ clouds and smoke
Thro’ trumpet and thro’ flame.
When Jesus came to earth,
He was a little child
Who learned obedience well
In actions meek and mild.
Honor thy parents,
saith the Lord,
Saith the Lord, saith the Lord.
He knew the voice, He heard the word,
He knew the voice, He heard the word.
When Jesus came to earth,
He was a little child
Who learned obedience well
In actions meek and mild.
Oh, children, walk with Christ—
In duty’s path He trod;
And when your journey’s o’er,
You’ll have a home with God.
Obey your parents,
saith the Lord,
Saith the Lord, saith the Lord.
’Tis His own voice, ’tis His own word,
’Tis His own voice, ’tis His own word.
Oh, children, walk with Christ—
In duty’s path He trod;
And when your journey’s o’er,
You’ll have a home with God.