Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them: for of such is the kingdom of Heaven.
Matthew 19:14
Words: George C. Lorimer, in Brightest and Best, edited by Robert Lowry & Howard Doane (New York and Chicago, Illinois: Biglow & Main, 1875), number 114.
Music: W. Howard Doane (🔊
O Jesus, we bless Thee for that dear word,
The mothers of Salem so gladly heard;
The word that was tenderly breathed by Thee,
O suffer the children to come to Me.
Blessèd Savior, we bring them,
Thine, Thine forever to be;
Yes, Thy mercy so tender
Calleth the children to Thee.
We thank Thee that children can come and share
Thy perfect redemption, Thy love and care;
That Thou dost permit them Thy lambs to be,
And kindly invite them to come to Thee.
May we who instruct them be well supplied
With wisdom to arm them, and grace to guide;
O may our example and words agree,
While trying to lead them, dear Lord, to Thee.
And when at the judgment we all appear,
O, grant us a welcome of joy to hear;
Permit us the light of Thy smile to see,
And bring the dear lambs of the fold to Thee.