Today in the city of David a Savior has been born to you, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words & Music: From Christmas Carols, Ancient and Modern, by William Sandys, alt. (London: Richard Beckley, 1833) (🔊
Alternate Tune:
A child this day is born,
A child of high renown.
Most worthy of a scepter,
And on His head a crown.
Noëls, noëls, noëls,
Noëls sing all we may,
Because the King of all kings
Was born this blessèd day.
The holy prophets spoke
Of Him of long years ago,
That from the fall of Adam
He should us all restore.
This Child both God and man
From Heav’n down to us came,
He is the King of all kings,
And Jesus is His name.
These tidings shepherds heard
In their field watching their fold,
Was by an angel unto them
That night revealed and told.
Who standing near by them
To them shinèd so bright,
That they amazèd were
At that most glorious sight.
To whom the angel spoke,
Saying, Be not afraid;
Be glad, poor silly shepherds;
Why are you so dismayed?
For lo, I bring you tidings
Of gladness and of mirth,
Which cometh to all people by
This holy Infant’s birth.
Him hath God lifted up
As light and shepherd’s horn,
Which in King David’s city
This present time was born.
The only Son of God,
The Lord and God most high;
And He is our true shepherd,
The young Child Jesus Christ.
Then joined the angel there
A host from Heaven sent
Of sun-bright shining soldiers,
And clouds apart were rent.
They lauded God the Father,
And His celestial King;
All glory be in paradise,
This heav’nly host did sing.
Glory be unto God,
That sitteth still on high,
With praises and with triumph,
His Son has come to us nigh.
But when this holy army
Of heav’nly soldiers bright
Was unto God returnèd
And vanished out of sight;
Shepherd hearts were joyful
At this great glorious news
That the King of all kings
Was ris’n ’amongst the Jews.
Without the least delay
Anon they went them in,
And found the young Child Jesus
Thus born in Bethlehem.
And as the angel told them,
So to them did appear:
They found the young Child Jesus
And Mary, mother dear.
Now such a place it was
Where this was come to pass:
Lacking room, the Child was laid
Betwixt an ox and ass.
Luxury none, but simply
Was this young King arrayed;
A manger was the cradle
In which the young Child laid.
No pride at all was found
In this most holy Child;
Of mortal sin was empty,
The Lamb of God most mild.
His destiny was pain,
He’d give to set us free;
He is our Savior, Jesus,
And none but only He.
To Father, Son and Holy Ghost
All glory be therefore,
To whom be all dominion
Both now and evermore.