Scripture Verse

The God of all grace, who hath called us unto His eternal glory by Christ Jesus. 1 Peter 5:10


Words: Ann M. Stock­ton, 1875. De­di­cat­ed to Chap­lain Mc­Cabe.

Music: Bel­fast John H. Stock­ton (🔊 pdf nwc).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ann or John Stock­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


Come home, dear sin­ner, while the light
Is beam­ing on your way,
The door stands op­en wide for you,
Return while yet you may.


Come home, come home,
Dear child, come home,
Your Fa­ther bids you come;
Come home, come home,
Just now come home,
O wea­ry wan­der­er, come.

Come home, dear sin­ner; by the cross
The Sav­ior waits for you;
He’ll cleanse away your earth­ly dross,
And make you hap­py, too.


Come home, dear sin­ner, while you feel
The Spir­it move your heart;
While at the mer­cy seat you kneel,
With ev­ery idol part.


Come home, dear sin­ner, while you may,
The Church is call­ing, too;
With ear­nest faith be­gin to pray,
And Heav’n will wel­come you.


Come home, dear sin­ner, Je­sus’ blood
Can wash out ev­ery stain;
Plunge now into the crim­son flood
Of Him who once was slain.
