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Scripture Verse

Add to your faith virtue; and to virtue, knowledge; and to knowledge, temperance; and to temperance, patience; and to patience, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, charity. 2 Peter 1:5-7


Warren Bentley (1845–1926)

Words: Theo­dore J. Price, in The Ri­ver of Life, ed­it­ed by Hen­ry S. Per­kins & War­ren Bent­ley (New York; Bos­ton, Mas­sa­chu­setts; and Chi­ca­go, Il­li­nois: Ol­iv­er Dit­son, C. H. Dit­son and Ly­on & Hea­ly, 1873), page 136. For con­certs and an­ni­ver­sa­ries. A beau­ti­ful rep­re­sen­ta­tion of the Scrip­tures by ten lit­tle girls, with their names up­on cards in the shape of a shield.

Music: Fi­nis­tère W. War­ren Bent­ley, 1873 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Price (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?

The orig­in­al song book had these per­form­ance in­struct­ions:

Enter Pa­tience, bear­ing a rough cross up­on should­er, and takes po­si­tion in centre of stage.

Enter Faith with wreath of flow­ers which she hangs on arm of cross, and takes po­sition by Patience at the right.

Enter Vir­tue with wreath, stands at the right of Faith.

Enter Know­ledge with bas­ket of fruit which she plac­es un­der the arm of the cross, takes po­si­tion at the right of Vir­tue.

Enter Tem­per­ance with li­lies, and winds around the cross, takes her place at the right of Know­ledge.

Enter Ex­pe­ri­ence, who steps to the side of Pa­tience and as­sists in hold­ing the cross, first stand­ing it up­on the floor.

Enter Hope, and, ad­vanc­ing in front of Pa­tience, points up­ward till sing­ing of Chor­us, then takes po­si­tion at the left of Ex­pe­ri­ence.

Enter God­li­ness and takes po­si­tion by the side of Hope.

Love en­ters, re­peat­ing soft­ly, Let us one an­oth­er love, and takes po­si­tion by the side of God­li­ness.

Enter Cha­ri­ty who kneels at the foot of the cross.

Experience lifts her up, when she takes her po­si­tion by the side of Love.

All grac­es now ad­vance and join hands, en­circ­ling Pa­ti­ence and Ex­per­ie­nce, till reach­ing the words, Now we part, when they re­tire to back of stage, leav­ing Faith and Hope on each side of the cross, and Cha­ri­ty in front.

Sing chor­us and re­tire.


Let us learn the Chris­tian grac­es,
As we walk the heav­en­ly road,
Mark the path­way each one trac­es,
Upward to the blest abode.
He who loves must learn for­bear­ance,
He who gains must suf­fer loss;
Tribulation work­eth pa­tience,
Patience meek­ly bears the cross.


For the love we owe to Je­sus,
For the love He has be­stowed,
Let us learn the Chris­tian grac­es,
As we walk the heav’n­ly road.

Patience still the cross up­bear­ing,
Lowly at its foot we bow,
Sinful, trem­bling, weep­ing, fear­ing—
Faith has crowned with flow­ers its brow!
Lo! its beau­ty now dis­cern­ing,
Virtue adds ano­ther wreath;
And its grow­ing glo­ries learn­ing,
Knowledge hangs some fruits be­neath.


Temperance has brought her li­lies,
Spotless white to wind around—
Patience with her bur­den smil­ing,
Plants its foot upon the ground;
Sweet ex­pe­ri­ence now shall aid her
To sus­tain the light­er load;
While fond hope in­spires new vi­gor,
Pointing to the blest abode.


Now in songs of loud ho­san­nas,
Lift our voices hea­ven­ward;
Lo! what won­drous grace ad­vanc­es?
Holiness, un­to the Lord!
Godliness, her name—Oh hear it!—
Welcome, love­li­est sis­ter here!
Godliness, in life and spir­it,
Godliness in faith and pray­er.
