Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words: Charles W. Stubbs (1845–1912). Appeared in The Outlook, volume 85, number 1 (New York: December 21, 1907).
Music: Wardle Thomas Wardle (1831–1909) (🔊
Christ was born on Christmas night,
Sing the carol gaily;
King of Love, and Lord of Light,
Praise Him, praise Him duly!
Welcome Christmas! Welcome Yule!
Mistletoe and holly!
Be ye merry gentles all,
Mirth need not be folly.
Christ was laid in cattle stall
Ox and ass most duly
Did as to the Lord of all
Make obeisance truly.
Seven shepherds knelt them there,
In that stable lowly,
Hailed as king the Christ child fair,
Very God most holy.
Seven shepherds fared them forth
God’s gift glorifying,
Told the wonder of its worth
For men living, dying.
Star-led kings from eastern land,
Came on camels riding,
Spice and myrrh and gold in hand
For a royal tithing.
Gaspar, Belsar, Melchior,
Found in Bethlem city,
Him they knew by mystic lore,
King of Love and Pity.
Pity, mercy, peace and love,
These be Christmas sweetings,
Be they yours from God above,
Take our Christmas greetings!