Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord.
Luke 2:11
Words: From the Swedish Piae Cantiones, 1582 (Resonet in Laudibus). The original source may have been 13th Century or earlier. Translated from Latin to English by John M. Neale, Carols for Christmas-Tide (London: Novello, 1853).
Music: Harmony by Thomas Helmore (🔊
Christ was born on Christmas Day,
Wreathe the holly, twine the bay;
Christus natus hodie:
The Babe, the Son,
The Holy One of Mary.
He is born to set us free,
He is born our Lord to be,
Ex Mariâ virgine:
The God, the Lord,
By all adored forever.
Let the bright red berries glow
Everywhere in goodly show;
Christus natus hodie:
The Babe, the Son,
The Holy One of Mary.
Christian men, rejoice and sing;
‘Tis the birthday of a king,
Ex Mariâ virgine:
The God, the Lord,
By all adored forever.
Night of sadness, morn of gladness
Evermore, ever, ever:
After many troubles sore,
Morn of gladness evermore and evermore.
Midnight scarcely passed and over,
Drawing to this holy morn,
Very early, very early
Christ was born.
Sing out with bliss, His name is this;
As was foretold in days of old
By Gabriel.
Midnight scarcely passed and over,
Drawing to this holy morn,
Very early, very early,
Christ was born.