Scripture Verse

Walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called. Ephesians 4:1


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in Con­fer­ence Hymns, ed­it­ed by John Dow­ling (New York: Ed­ward H. Flet­cher, 1849), num­ber 239.

Music: Ha­ba­na Ira D. San­key (🔊 pdf nwc).

Ira D. Sankey (1840–1908)


Christian! walk care­ful­ly—dan­ger is near;
Work out thy jour­ney with trem­bling and fear;
Snares from with­out, and temp­ta­tions with­in,
Seek to en­tice thee again in­to sin.

Christian! walk hum­bly—ex­ult not in pride;
All that thou hast is by Je­sus sup­plied;
He hold­eth thee up, He di­rect­eth thy ways,
To Him the glo­ry—to Him be the praise.

Christian! walk cheer­ful­ly, though the dark storm
Fill the bright sky with the clouds of alarm:
Soon will the clouds and the tem­pest be past,
And thou shalt dwell with thy Sav­ior at last.

Christian! walk stead­fast­ly, while it is light;
Swift are ap­proach­ing the shades of the night:
All that thy mas­ter hath bid­den thee do,
Haste to per­form, for the mo­ments are few.

Christian! walk pray­er­ful­ly—oft wilt thou fall,
If thou for­get on thy Sav­ior to call:
Safe shalt thou walk through each tri­al and care,
If thou art clad in the ar­mor of pray­er.

Christian! walk joy­ful­ly—trou­ble and pain
Cease when the ha­ven of rest thou dost gain;
This thy bright glo­ry, and this thy re­ward,
Enter thou in­to the joy of thy Lord!