Scripture Verse

As My Father hath sent Me, even so send I you. John 20:21


John M. Neale (1818–1866)

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Words: John M. Neale, Hymns for Child­ren, first ser­ies, 1842 (Now to Our Sav­ior Let Us Raise).

Music: St. Da­vid (Ra­vens­croft) Tho­mas Ra­vens­croft, The Whole Booke of Psalmes (Lon­don: 1621) (🔊 pdf nwc).

Thomas Ravenscroft (1592–1635)


Christ is gone up; yet ere He passed
From earth, in Heav’n to reign,
He formed one ho­ly Church to last
Till He should come again.

His twelve apos­tles first He made
His min­is­ters of grace;
And they their hands on oth­ers laid,
To fill in turn their place.

So age by age, and year by year,
His grace was hand­ed on;
And still the ho­ly Church is here,
Although her Lord is gone.

Let those find par­don, Lord, from Thee,
Whose love to her is cold:
Bring wan­der­ers in, and let there be
One shep­herd and one fold.

And now we haste with thank­ful feet
To seek our Sav­ior’s face;
And in the ho­ly Church to meet,
His chos­en dwell­ing place.