Scripture Verse

I saw the holy city…coming down out of Heaven from God. Revelation 21:2


Samuel Johnson (1822–1882)

Words: Sam­uel John­son, Hymns of the Spir­it 1864. The words echo the theme in Saint Au­gus­tine’s Ci­ty of God.

Music: Rich­mond (Ha­weis) Tho­mas Ha­weis, Car­mi­na Chris­to 1792 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Thomas Haweis (1734–1820)


City of God, how broad and far
Outspread thy walls sub­lime!
The true thy char­tered free­men are
Of ev­ery age and clime.

One ho­ly Church, one ar­my strong;
One stead­fast, high in­tent;
One work­ing band, one har­vest song,
One King om­ni­po­tent.

How pure­ly hath thy speech come down
From man’s pri­me­val youth!
How grand­ly hath thine em­pire grown
Of free­dom, love and truth!

How gleam thy watch fires through the night
With ne­ver faint­ing ray!
How rise thy tow­ers, se­rene and bright,
To meet the dawn­ing day!

In vain the surge’s an­gry shock,
In vain the drift­ing sands;
Unharmed upon the eter­nal Rock
The eter­nal ci­ty stands.