I saw the holy city…coming down out of Heaven from God.
Revelation 21:2
Words & Music: Max H. Rapp, in Alexander’s Gospel Songs and Solos, edited by Charles M. Alexander (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Sterling Music, 1917) (🔊
There’s a book that is written,
Designed by His hand,
Presented by God from above;
And I know that it tells
Of a beautiful land,
Prepared by His infinite love.
O it tells of a city so bright, so fair,
Where saints of all ages have trod;
And I’ve read there is nothing
But happiness there,
In the beautiful city of God.
There is never a sorrow,
An ache, nor a pain,
Though oft it appears like a dream;
And the sun never sets
Over hill and o’er plain,
And Jesus the King is supreme.
All the riches of earth
Will not buy my way in,
For guilt ever lurks in my soul;
I’ll accept the great ransom
Once offered for sin,
And start for the heavenly goal.
Every cloud wears a rainbow
Of heavenly hue,
His smile I’m beginning to know;
He walks with me, talks with me
All the day thro’,
And O how I do love Him so.