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Scripture Verse

Unto you is born this day in the city of David a Savior, who is Christ the Lord. Luke 2:11


Words: Ano­ny­mous, in The Hym­na­ry with Tunes, ed­it­ed by Sig­is­mond La­sar (New York: Big­low & Main, 1872), num­ber 98.

Music: John S. B. Hodg­es (🔊 ).

If you know the au­thor, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Hodg­es, would you send us an e-mail?


Clear upon the night air sound­ing,
Sweetly ec­ho­ing o’er the plain;
Fell the an­gel voice an­nounc­ing,
Christ is born in Beth­le­hem.
Clearer, sweet­er, swelled the chor­us,
From the an­gel host around,
Glory, glo­ry in the high­est,
And on earth good will abound.

As the an­gels sing we sing,
Glory to the new­born King.


And our songs we’ll nev­er cease
Glory to the Prince of Peace!
Glory to the Prince of Peace!

Prophets told the won­drous story
Of the fu­ture King and Lord;
Who from up­per realms of glo­ry
Should des­cend our Light and Word.
But they knew not all His bright­ness,
Nor the full­ness of His grace,
Could not join the heav’n­ly chorus,
Nor the song of tri­umph raise.
As the an­gels sang we sing,
Glory to our God and king.


We who know the lov­ing Sav­ior,
Who have found the last­ing peace;
Who have heard His voice ce­les­ti­al,
Bidding all our sor­rows cease;
We can raise the song of tri­umph,
With th’an­gel­ic host pro­claim,
Glory, glo­ry in the high­est!
Christ is born in Beth­le­hem.

As the an­gels sang we sing,
Glory to our God and king.
