Scripture Verse

Enter into the rock, and hide thee. Isaiah 2:10


Aldine S. Kieffer (1840–1904)

Words: Al­dine S. Kief­fer, in the Mu­sic­al Mil­lion (Day­ton, Vir­gin­ia), Vol­ume 18, num­ber 12, De­cember 1887, page 1.

Music: Ar­fon, French & Welsh tune. Ar­ranged by Hugh Da­vies, cir­ca 1906 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tunes:

If you know where to get a good pic­ture of Funk (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els),


In that dread and aw­ful day,
When life’s glo­ries fade away,
And the wound­ed, way­worn soul
Spurns all bounds, and breaks con­trol;
Hide me, Son of Ma­ry, hide
In Thy cleft­ed, riv­en side.

When the mount­ains reel and sway,
When the stars shall dark­ling stray,
When old Ocean’s rug­ged roar
Beats each rock bound coast no more;
Then, O Son of Ma­ry, hide—
Hide me in Thy cleft­ed side!

When the Babe of Beth­le­hem
Builds the new Je­ru­sa­lem,
When all Heav’n, and earth and hell
Shall con­fess that all is well,
Then, Thou Son of Ma­ry, hide—
Hide me in Thy riv­en side.