The Lord shall endure for ever: He hath prepared His throne for judgment.
Psalm 9:7
Words: Anne Steele, February 11, 1757, alt. Published in her Poems on Subjects Chiefly Devotional, 1760.
Music: Bedford William Wheale, circa 1723 (🔊
Alternate Tune:
If you know where to get a good picture of Steele or Wheale (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Come, let our souls adore the Lord
Whose judgments yet delay;
Who yet suspends the lifted sword,
And gives us leave to pray.
In armies, fleets or strong allies,
No more we place our trust;
On God alone our hope relies,
Kind, potent, wise and just.
Great is our guilt, our fears are great,
But let us not despair;
Still open is the mercy seat
To penitence and prayer.
Kind Intercessor, to Thy love
This blessèd hope we owe;
O let Thy mercies plead above,
While we implore below!
O gracious God, for Jesus’ sake,
Attend Thy people’s cry;
Nor let the kindling vengeance break
Destructive from Thine eye.
Though justice near Thy awful throne
Attends Thy dread command,
Lord, hear Thy servants, hear Thy Son,
And save a guilty land.