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Scripture Verse

Who is he who will devote himself to be close to Me? Jeremiah 30:21


Words & Mu­sic: Aus­tin Tay­lor, 1911 (🔊 ). Ap­peared in Song Crown, by Aus­tin Tay­lor et al. (Aus­tin, Tex­as: Firm Foun­da­tion Pub­lish­ing, 1912), num­ber 129.

Austin Taylor


Closer to Thee, near to Thy side,
Closer, dear Lord, I would abide;
Hold me in Thy em­brace,
’Neath ev­ery smile of grace;
Grant me, Thy child, a place
Closer to Thee.

Closer to Thee, near to Thy breast,
Closer to Thee, Lord, let me rest;
Guide me when I would stray,
Keep me from sin each day,
Draw me, dear Lord, I pray,
Closer to Thee.

Closer to Thee, clos­er each day,
In from the world, draw me away;
Let me abide with Thee,
Blest Lamb of Cal­va­ry,
O let me ev­er be
Closer to Thee.

Closer to Thee, hap­py and free,
Grant me, O Lord, ev­er to be;
Hear me in ev­ery cry,
Stand near when I must die;
Then take me home on high,
Closer to Thee.