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Scripture Verse

Who is he who will devote himself to be close to Me? Jeremiah 30:21


Words: L. R. Clark, in The Brill­iant, by Will­iam T Gif­fe (In­di­an­apo­lis, In­di­ana: H. L. Ben­ham & H. S. Sted­man, 1874).

Music: John H. Stock­ton (🔊 ).

If you know Clark’s full name, or where to get a good pho­to of him or Stock­ton (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Closer, still clos­er, my Sav­ior, to Thee,
Closer to Je­sus now fain would I be;
Round me His arm, on His bo­som my head;
Near the dear side which on Cal­va­ry bled.


Closer to Thee, still clos­er to Thee,
Dear Sav­ior, I want to be clos­er to Thee.

Closer by day, tho’ my sky be all bright;
Closer, still clos­er when fall­eth the night;
Earth hath no bright­ness away from His face;
Time has no mo­ment I need not His grace.


When to the Jor­dan of death I des­cend,
Danger I’ll fear not if Christ be my friend;
Breasting the bil­lows, my death song shall be,
Closer, still clos­er, my Sav­ior to Thee.


Closer to Je­sus, I’m near­er to God;
Nearer the home of the Chris­tian’s abode;
Nearer the great and the glo­ri­ous Three,
Nearer to Heav­en when clos­er to Thee.
