Who is he who will devote himself to be close to Me?
Jeremiah 30:21
Words: J. P. Ashley, 1893.
Music: J. P. Vance (🔊
If you know Ashley or Vance’s full name, or where to get good photos of them (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
Jesus, draw us closer to Thee,
Fill our hearts with joy and peace,
Crown our worship with Thy presence,
Bid us from all sorrow cease;
Grant us from our sins deliverance,
From all unbelief set free;
Come, O come, Thou blest Redeemer,
That Thy glory we may see.
Closer to Thee, yes, closer to Thee,
May we ever still be clinging,
Closer to Thee.
We would see Thee, blessèd Jesus,
See Thee in Thy crimson dress;
We would catch Thy smile, so gracious,
We would all our sins confess;
We would hear Thy words so tender,
Falling like the gracious dew;
We our hearts and minds surrender,
Take them, Lord, and make them new.
Thou alone from sin canst save us,
Thou alone canst cleanse the soul;
Speak the word, O mighty Jesus,
And we’re every whit made whole;
Now I see Thee, precious Jesus,
See Thee as my sovereign king;
Joy, O joy, I’ve found salvation,
Heav’n and earth His praises sing.