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Scripture Verse

Be clothed with humility, for God resisteth the proud, and giveth grace to the humble. 1 Peter 5:5


John B. Dykes (1823–1876)

Words: Su­san H. Pe­ter­son, 1998 (pub­lic do­main).

Music: St. Ag­nes John B. Dykes, in Hym­nal for Use in the Eng­lish Church, by John Grey, 1866 (🔊 ).

Susan Peterson


Clothe your­self with hu­mil­ity;
Don’t try to take first place.
For God op­pos­es all the proud,
But gives the hum­ble grace.

Humble your­self be­neath God’s hand;
Someday He’ll lift you high.
Cast your an­xi­ety on Him;
His care will ne­ver die.

Be self-con­trolled and on alert;
Satan is prowl­ing round.
He’s like a li­on seek­ing prey;
Stand firm and don’t give ground.

Stand firm and stead­fast in the faith;
You’re not alone in tri­al.
Your Chris­tian bro­thers round the earth
Suffer like you a while.

The God of grace will see you through;
Someday His face you’ll see.
You’ll share the glo­ry of His Son
For all eter­ni­ty.

And af­ter you have suf­fered here,
God will re­move your care.
He’ll make you strong, stead­fast, and firm;
His be the power for­e’er!