The Lord went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them the way; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to go by day and night.
Exodus 13:21
As of old when the hosts of Israel
Were compelled in the wilderness to dwell,
Trusting they in their God to lead the way
To the light of perfect day.
So the sign of the fire by night,
And the sign of the cloud by day,
Hovering o’er, just before,
As they journey on their way,
Shall a guide and a leader be,
Till the wilderness be past.
For the Lord our God in His own good time,
Shall lead to the light at last.
To and fro as a ship without a sail,
Not a compass to guide them thro’ the vale,
But the sign of their God was ever near,
Thus their fainting hearts to cheer.
All the days of their wand’rings they were fed,
To the land of the promise they were led,
By the hand of the Lord in guidance sure,
They were brought to Canaan’s shore.