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Scripture Verse

Blessed are the pure in heart. Matthew 5:8


Words: Ma­ry F. Ty­ler, in The Mi­chi­gan Ar­gus (Ann Ar­bor, Mi­chi­gan: Eli­hu B. Pond), vol­ume 20, num­ber 1019, Ju­ly 28, 1865, page 1, alt.

Music: San Sal­va­dor San­ford M. Brown, The Mis­sion­ary Tri­umph (Cin­cin­na­ti, Ohio: John Church, 1889), num­ber 15 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of Ty­ler or Brown (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


Not to a man of dol­lars,
Not to a man of deeds,
Not to a man of cun­ning,
Not to a man of creeds,
Not to a man whose pas­sion
Is for a world’s re­nown,
Not in the form of fa­shion,
Cometh a bless­ing down.

Not un­to land’s ex­pan­sion,
Not to the mis­er’s chest,
Not to the prince­ly man­sion,
Not to the bla­zoned crest,
Not to the sor­did world­ling,
Not to the knav­ish clown,
Not to the haugh­ty ty­rant,
Cometh a bless­ing down.

Not to the fol­ly blind­ed,
Not to the steeped in shame,
Not to the car­nal mind­ed,
Not to un­ho­ly fame,
Not in ne­glect of du­ty,
Not to the mon­arch’s crown,
Not at the smile of beau­ty,
Cometh a bless­ing down.

But to the one whose spir­it
Yearns for the great and good;
Unto the one whose store­house
Yieldeth the hun­gry food:
Unto the one who la­bors,
Fearless of foe or frown,
Unto the kind­ly heart­ed
Cometh a bless­ing down.