Come, behold the works of the Lord.
Psalm 46:8
Words: Thomas Kelly, Hymns Not Before Published (Dublin: Thomas Johnston, 1815), number 38.
Music: Irby Henry J. Gauntlett, 1849 (🔊
Come and see what God is doing:
His are works of power and grace;
Round the world His Word is going,
Giving light to every place.
’Tis a day expected long,
Theme of old prophetic song.
While the nations are contending,
And the tumult louder grows;
Through the earth our God is sending
News of peace, to heal our woes.
Sounds of mercy sweeter are,
Heard amid the din of war.
Long the nations were benighted,
And the darkness has been still;
But the lamp that God has lighted,
Now is set upon a hill.
Many now enjoy the light,
And with rapture hail the sight.
Higher still and higher place it:
Show it to the world around;
Never should we cease to raise it,
While a nation still is found,
One to whom it is not giv’n
To enjoy the light of Heav’n.