Those that seek Me early shall find Me.
Proverbs 8:17
Words & Music: Charles A. Carroll, in The Shining River, edited by Henry Perkins & William O. Perkins (Boston, Massachusetts: Oliver Ditson, 1875), number 50 (🔊
Come, and seek the Savior,
In life’s early morn;
Come and seek Him early,
Ere the winter’s storm;
Seek Him with thy young heart,
The blessèd way of truth;
Come, and seek Him early,
In the bloom of youth.
Then when all our pilgrimage is past,
When we bid farewell to earth at last,
Angels then will greet us
On the other shore,
Where we will dwell
Forever, evermore.
Come, and seek the Savior,
Come without delay,
Early in the morning:
Seek His face today;
Ask Him for direction
In all we say and do;
And to be our Savior,
Guide, and helper, too.
Come, and seek the Savior,
Come and sing His praise;
Joining in the anthem,
Thankful voices raise;
Singing to His glory,
A happy, joyous band,
There to join the angels,
In the heav’nly land.