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Scripture Verse

Well done, thou good and faithful servant…enter thou into the joy of thy lord. Matthew 25:21


Words & Mu­sic: Scott Wer­de­baugh, 2018 (🔊 ).

Scott Werdebaugh

Origin of the Hymn

This hymn is de­di­cat­ed to my mo­ther. God gave me the words and mu­sic to Come Away with Je­sus ve­ry ear­ly one morn­ing as I had been re­flect­ing on the time she was on her death­bed at the lo­cal hos­pi­tal. Wea­ry and tired and full of pain, she sum­moned one by one each of my sib­lings to her bed­side where she shared her heart in­di­vi­du­al­ly with each of us.

When she had fin­ished, she was ob­vi­ous­ly ov­er­whelmed with the pain, and was so tired and wea­ry as she strug­gled to stay alive. I on­ly wish I had been able to share this song with her as I be­lieve it would have been of great com­fort to her and her faith.

She died short­ly af­ter. Now she is in Heav­en, wor­ship­ing God. The hymn be­gins with Je­sus’ words of com­fort to her, fol­lowed by my words of af­firm­ing en­cour­age­ment.


Dear one, you are wea­ry and tired;
You gave Me your best and now need to rest.
Close your eyes and get some sleep;
It is now time to sleep and rest up­on My breast.

Jesus is wait­ing, He’s reach­ing for you;
His arms are op­en wide,
To car­ry you to the oth­er side.
Jesus wants you to see our dear Fa­ther.
Jehovah, our Heav­en­ly Fa­ther.
Come away with Je­sus,
Come away just now.
Rest in Him;
Rest in peace;
Live eter­nal­ly.
Hear God say,
Well done, My good and faith­ful ser­vant;
Enter now your rest,
Enjoy My Pre­sence,
Eternally pre­pared for you!