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Scott Werdebaugh





Werdebaugh stu­died pi­ano as a child and con­tin­ued stu­dy­ing pi­ano and pipe or­gan at the Whea­ton Col­lege Con­ser­va­to­ry of Mu­sic. He re­ceived a BA in Bib­li­cal Studies and Chris­tian Edu­ca­tion from Whea­ton Col­lege, and a MA from Whea­ton Gra­du­ate School in the area of Chris­tian Lead­er­ship, con­cen­trat­ing in Chris­tian Min­is­tries, In­ter­per­son­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tions, and Mis­sions (Cross-Cul­tur­al Com­mu­ni­ca­tions) with an His­pan­ic em­pha­sis.

Werdebaugh has served church­es as Ass­ist­ant Pas­tor, Lay Pas­tor, Preach­ing Wor­ship Di­rect­or, Choir Di­rect­or, Di­rect­or of Mis­sions and Out­reach, or­gan­ist, pi­an­ist, key­board­ist and teach­er. He has served in the mu­sic min­is­try and, as of 2017, has sung in the choir at Sa­lem First Church of the Na­za­rene, Sa­lem, Ore­gon, for over 16 years.

He is a Mem­ber-at-Large Eme­ri­tus with and is a past Dean of the Sa­lem, Ore­gon, Chap­ter of the Am­eri­can Guild of Or­gan­ists.


