King of kings, and Lord of lords.
Revelation 19:16
Words & Music: Scott Werdebaugh, 2019 (🔊
© 2019 Scott Werdebaugh
These words and music may be freely reproduced or published for Christian worship or devotions, provided they are not altered, & this notice is on each copy. All other rights reserved.
Today we celebrate Jesus’ birth
With our joyful expressions of mirth.
He came to redeem us, lost in sin,
O’er sin and death, our vict’ry did win.
We sing hallelujah to the King of kings!
We sing hallelujah to the Lord of lords!
We sing hallelujah to our Savior so dear,
Praise and worship the Lamb of God
In awe and fear.
So great His love for us He did show,
No greater love than this can we know.
No greater debt to Him we will owe,
Than to tell His love to all we know.
He’s coming back and will always be
With us throughout all eternity.
In light of this, how then shall we live?
Our love, strength, and all to Him we give.