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Scripture Verse

The Lord thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; He will save, He will rejoice over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy over thee with singing. Zephaniah 3:17


Sarah Doudney

Words: Sa­rah Doud­ney, in the Sun­day School Un­ion’s Songs of Glad­ness, 1871.

Music: New­man Ri­chard S. New­man, in The School Hym­nal (Phi­la­del­phia, Penn­syl­van­ia: Pres­by­ter­ian Board of Pub­li­ca­tion & Sab­bath-School Work, 1900), num­ber 64 (🔊 ).

If you know where to get a good pho­to of New­man (head & shoul­ders, at least 200×300 pix­els), would you send us an e-mail?


We sing a lov­ing Je­sus,
Who left His throne above,
And came on earth to ran­som
The child­ren of His love;
It is an oft-told sto­ry,
And yet we love to tell
How Christ, the King of glo­ry,
Once deigned with man to dwell.

We a sing a ho­ly Je­sus;
No taint of sin de­filed
The Babe of Da­vid’s ci­ty,
The pure and stain­less Child:
O teach us, bless­èd Sav­ior,
Thy heav’n­ly grace to seek;
And let our whole be­hav­ior
Like Thine, be mild and meek.

We sing a low­ly Je­sus;
No king­ly crown He had,
His head was bowed with ang­uish,
His face was marred and sad:
In deep hu­mi­li­ation
He came, His work to do;
O Lord of our sal­va­tion,
Let us be hum­ble, too.

We sing a migh­ty Je­sus,
Whose voice could raise the dead,
The sight­less eyes He op­ened,
The fam­ished souls He fed;
Thou cam­est to de­liv­er
Mankind from sin and shame;
Redeemer and life giv­er,
We praise Thy ho­ly name.

We sing a com­ing Je­sus;
The time is draw­ing near,
When Christ with all His an­gels
In glo­ry shall ap­pear;
Lord, save us, we en­treat Thee,
In this Thy day of grace,
That we may glad­ly meet Thee
And see Thee face to face.