Scripture Verse

I am He that…was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore. Revelation 1:18


John Stainer (1840–1901)

Words: Pos­si­bly Row­land Hill (1744–1833). This hymn ap­peared in the Sup­ple­ment to his Psalms and Hymns, 1796.

Music: Rest (Stain­er) John Stain­er, 1875 (🔊 pdf nwc).

Alternate Tune:

Rowland Hill (1744–1833)


We sing His love, who once was slain,
Who soon o’er death re­vived again,
That all His saints through Him might have
Eternal con­quests o’er the grave.


Soon shall the trum­pet sound, and we
Shall rise to im­mor­ta­li­ty.

The saints who now with Je­sus sleep
His own al­migh­ty pow­er shall keep,
Till dawns the bright il­lus­tri­ous day
When death it­self shall die away.


How loud shall our glad voic­es sing,
When Christ His ris­en saints shall bring,
From beds of dust and si­lent clay,
To realms of ev­er­last­ing day!


When Je­sus we in glo­ry meet,
Our ut­most joys shall be com­plete,
When land­ed on that hea­ven­ly shore,
Death and the curse will be no more.


Hasten, dear Lord, the glo­ri­ous day,
And this de­light­ful scene dis­play,
When all Thy saints from death shall rise
Raptured in bliss be­yond the skies.
