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Scripture Verse

Come, Lord Jesus. Revelation 22:20


Words & Mu­sic: Scott Wer­de­baugh, 2018 (🔊 ).

Scott Werdebaugh (1951–)


Come, Lord Je­sus, come;
Our world seeks all but You alone;
Chaos and trou­ble all around sur­round us;
We ea­si­ly suc­cumb to our fears and Sa­tan’s ev­il will,
As life ov­er­takes us ev’ry day.
How long, O Lord, must we car­ry on
Without Your just and right­eous rule?
Spare us from the dread­ful night;
Have mer­cy on us, Lord.
Come, Lord Je­sus.

Come, Lord Je­sus, come;
In Your pre­sence may we find our rest.
May we be the shin­ing light
In this dark old world of woe.
Come, Lord Je­sus, come;
Fill us full, Lord, with Your great pre­sence;
Let Your love, joy, peace, and truth
Through us lead all to You,
Till we all can pray this pra­yer, O God:
Come, Lord Je­sus, come;
Come, Lord Je­sus, come!