Come, Lord Jesus.
Revelation 22:20
Words & Music: Peter P. Bilhorn, Hymns of the Second Coming of Our Lord Jesus Christ (Chicago, Illinois: Bilhorn Brothers, 1911), number 13 (🔊
Come, Lord Jesus! O come quickly!
This our yearning cry.
Come, Thou Alpha and Omega
With the clouds on high;
For Thy waiting Church is ready,
And her robes are white;
Come, Lord Jesus, O come quickly!
Be it noon or night.
We are ready, we are waiting,
With our lamps all trimmed and burning,
With our garments white;
We are ready, we are waiting,
Come, Lord Jesus, O come quickly,
Be it noon or night.
Come, Thou Lamb of God for sinners
Slain on Calv’ry’s cross;
Come and take Thy weary pilgrims
From this world of dross;
Come and sanctify Thy people,
Fit them for the crown;
Come, Lord Jesus, O come quickly!
Come and claim Thy own.
We with eager eyes are watching
For the crowning day,
When the King shall come to catch His
Waiting bride away;
We are ready, we are waiting,
And our lamps are bright,
Should He come this very moment,
Should He come tonight.