The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms.
Deuteronomy 33:27
Words: Adalyn Evilsizer, 1899.
Music: Anthony J. Showalter (🔊
Alternate Tune:
If you know where to get a good photo of Evilsizer (head & shoulders, at least 200×300 pixels), would you send us an e-mail?
In the arms of Jesus I sweetly rest,
And my soul reposes upon His breast;
As a tender mother her child doth hold,
I am sheltered in Jesus’ fold.
I am resting in Jesus’ arms,
And I fear not the world’s alarms;
Tho’ its storms assail me on every side,
In this refuge my soul shall hide.
In the arms of Jesus my cares depart,
For He shares my sorrow and cheers my heart;
All my heavy burdens He bears away,
For I take them to Him each day.
In the arms of Jesus ’twas love divine
Made this blessèd shelter of safety mine;
And I ask no sweeter abiding place
Than in Jesus’, my Lord’s embrace.
In the arms of Jesus I’ll sleep in peace
When the cares and trials of earth-life cease;
He will bear me upward on wings of love,
To those mansions prepared above.