There remaineth…a rest to the people of God.
Hebrews 4:9
Words: Fanny Crosby, in Calvary Songs, edited by Charles S. Robinson & Theodore E. Perkins (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: American Sunday School Union, 1875), number 113.
Music: Bhutan W. Warren Bentley (🔊
Soon I shall rest in Jesus,
Rest in His dear embrace,
E’en to a life eternal,
Saved by redeeming grace.
Soon shall I hear their greeting,
Friends that in days of yore
Sung of the holy city,
Longed for the golden shore.
Soon I shall rest in Jesus,
Rest in His dear embrace,
E’en to a life eternal,
Saved by redeeming grace.
Trusting my all with Jesus,
Why should my faith decline?
What if I toil and labor,
Waiting the harvest time?
What if my path be rugged?
Jesus that path hath trod,
Leaving a lamp to guide me
Up to the throne of God.
Soon shall my sheaves be gathered,
Soon will my work be done;
Then I shall rise triumphant,
Then will my crown be won.
Oh, what a glorious vision
Comes to my raptured sight—
Fields of immortal verdure,
Skies of unclouded light.